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Introducing The Domino Effect – a campaign that didn’t just galvanise a nation, but actually changed government policy.
Using real beds from a struggling aged care facility, we built a giant domino run showing the devastating effect the aged care crisis will have on children, working parents, healthcare workers and more.
This formed the basis of a powerful campaign, which was shared nationwide across key media channels – including a special build with Phantom Billstickers.

Real packs of dominoes featuring our message were sent to key media contacts, helping drive almost 50 pieces of earned media.
And we shared video testimonials on social channels and our website, with many people sharing, calling, writing and even creating their own videos to help pile on the pressure.
Policy changing results
- Total PR reach: 3.7 million New Zealanders
- Total exposure opportunities: 14.1 million
- Total online impressions: 10.5 million
- CTR: 5x industry standard.
And best of all, after 41 days of intense policy negotiations, NZ’s incoming government committed to investigating a more sustainable funding model – plus the Aged Care sector received more policy attention than any government in history.